পশ্চিমবঙ্গ সরকার
Cyber Crime Wing


Fraudsters using heat signatures of fingertips on keypads to crack passwords/PINs


Threat Summary

A new attack technique is being used by fraudsters of cracking passwords/PINs (ATMs, POS machine, Smart doors with keypad locks, etc.) by examining heat signatures that fingertips leave on keyboards/screens while entering passwords, such frauds use combination of thermal imaging and Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI algorithms are used to accurately guess the passwords as per the snapped heat signatures. The brighter the area appears on the thermal image, the more recently it would have been touched. Using such correlations PINs/passwords are being cracked.




1. Avoid using ATMs which are unguarded and not surveilled properly with video cameras.

2. Always examine the ATMs for any suspicious attachments (in ATM rooms walls or the machine). Hide the keypad area while entering the PIN.

3. Press multiple random number keys (buttons) before leaving the ATM machine/POS machine/Smart Locks to generate non meaningful heat signature.

4. Properly check the SMSs and emails sent by your bank regarding any transactions properly, contact your bank instantly if a suspicious transaction is spotted.  

5. Report any such incidents on the cybercrime.gov.in portal and follow @CyberDost on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Public, Koo and LinkedIn to know more about safety tips.